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Loss comes in different forms



Death... the word we all dread. How can this be happening? This doesn't feel real. I can't live without him/her. What will I do now? Who am I apart from my loved one? Some of these questions and statements may sound familiar to you. The most healthy way to find healing in grief, is to work through it by talking about it. It may feel like the last thing you want to do. You may ask, "Why would I spend more time talking about the event that ruined my life? I can't stop thinking about it as it is". It is important to allow grief to make its way to the surface; so it does not continue to manifest in ways that can become very cumbersome in your daily life. In session, I will sit with you in your pain and let you set the pace to explore your loss as you are comfortable. Grief usually does not play out as we would expect or like it to. The truth is; grief is messy and has a mind of its own. My passion is to provide structure and comfort as you navigate through the stages of grief in a way that works for you. 


Loss is not always characterized by the death of a loved one. We often overlook other losses that can impact us in similar ways. Throughout our lives, we are often grieving some sort of loss. Sometimes loss is permanent or it may be temporary. We may not even know at the time. It can be planned or unexpected. Regardless of the circumstance, these losses are all capable of hitting us just as hard. "Endings" or change is not something most of us handle well, especially at first. My practice provides a safe space to share what you have been holding in because it just hasn't felt okay to let it out. You can put aside any fears you may have, knowing that you are accepted just as you are. Give yourself a chance to find peace in the midst of your loss, whatever it maybe. 

Here are some interesting statistics regarding grief counseling:

  • Between 15 and 20 percent of those who lose a loved one will experience complicated grief. {1}

  • 40% of grievers meet the criteria for major depression one month after their loss, and 24% still meet the criteria one year later. {2}

  • Grief counseling is most beneficial for individuals who are suffering from complicated grief, which is a prolonged (more than six months), intense, debilitating, and sometimes traumatic form of grief. {3}

  • More than 57% of Americans reported experiencing a major loss over the last three years. {5}

  • A 2017 bereavement survey found that 30% of people who lost a loved one felt that they needed counseling or therapy to help them cope with their grief. {6}

  • In a survey of bereaved individuals, 90% of respondents said that they found grief counseling to be helpful. {3}

  • According to a study, 70% of people who received grief counseling reported a significant reduction in their symptoms of grief. {1}


  1. Did You Know? Grief and Bereavement Statistics – Begin Within Counseling & Coaching. (n.d.). Did You Know? Grief and Bereavement Statistics – Begin Within Counseling & Coaching. https://www.therapyoakpark.net/did-you-know-grief-and-bereavement-statistics/

  2. Grief By The Numbers: Facts and Statistics on Grief in Adults and Children. (n.d.). The Recovery Village Drug and Alcohol Rehab. https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/mental-health/grief/grief-statistics/

  3. Choosing Therapy. (2023, March 29). Grief Counseling: How It Works, What It Costs, & What to Expect. https://www.choosingtherapy.com/grief-counseling/

  4. Newsom, C., Schut, H., Stroebe, M. S., Wilson, S., Birrell, J., Moerbeek, M., & Eisma, M. C. (2017, August 29). Effectiveness of bereavement counselling through a community‐based organization: A naturalistic, controlled trial. PubMed Central (PMC). https://doi.org/10.1002/cpp.2113

  5. Grief Statistics and Positive Ways of Coping | Eterneva. (n.d.). Grief Statistics and Positive Ways of Coping | Eterneva. https://www.eterneva.com/resources/coping-with-loss

  6. Května, E. (2023, March 3). Grief Statistics and Bereavement Figures 2023 – USA, UK and Global - Medium Britta. Medium Britta - Evidential Spiritual Medium. https://mediumbritta.com/grief-bereavement-statistics/